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Safe spaces

Fine City Swing are committed to providing an event and environment free of unlawful discrimination, bullying or harassment and expects all attendees to treat others with dignity and respect.


Fine City Swing maintains a strict policy prohibiting harassment based upon sex, gender expression, marital or civil partner status, sexual orientation, age, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief or disability. This policy prohibits unlawful bullying and harassment, including verbal, physical and visual harassment and promotes the fair treatment of all its dancers and volunteers.


Violations of this policy will not be permitted and may result in disciplinary action up to and including being asked to leave or banned from future events.


Unlawful harassment is any unwanted physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation, marital or civil partner status, gender expression, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, religion or belief, disability or age of the victim which has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them.


A single incident of unwanted or offensive behaviour to one individual can amount to harassment. In relation to sex discrimination, harassment may also be less favourable treatment on the grounds of people rejecting or not submitting to unwanted conduct.


Examples include: unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature such as uninvited touching, sexual labels, jokes of a sexual nature, derogatory comments or slurs, sexually suggestive notes, cartoons or photographs. What is not harassing conduct in the view of some people may still be harassing conduct to the recipient.


If you witness or feel that you are a victim of bullying or any type of harassment, we encourage you to report the matter by contacting one of the Fine City Swing committee members or by emailing


 The absence of reports of harassment prevents Fine City Swing from taking necessary steps to remedy such situations. Members who come forward in good faith to complain about the occurrence of any harassment or offensive behaviour will not be criticised or retaliated against in any manner for having done so.


All reports of harassment will be investigated by the committee who are not involved in the reported harassment, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken if it is found that this policy has been violated.

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